Flame Retardants Are Everywhere — and They’re Invading Our Wildlife
In the PacificStandard.
Flame Retardants Are Everywhere — and They’re Invading Our Wildlife
In the PacificStandard.
Persistence Pays Off In Studying Persistent Organic Pollutants
In Chemical & Engineering News.
Bald Eagles Prove Full of Flame Retardants
In Scientific American.
Levels Of Persistent Flame Retardants Decline In San Francisco Bay
In Chemical & Engineering News.
Decades Later Contamination Persists at Michigan Superfund Site
In Environmental Protection.
Part of Protecting Health & Environment .
U.S. study raises questions over organophosphate persistence
In Chemical Watch: Global Risk & Regulation News.
Alternative Flame Retardants Detected In Outdoor Air
In Chemical & Engineering News.
Flame retardants in consumer products are linked to health and cognitive problems
In the Washington Post.
Tree Bark Shows Global Spread of Toxic Chemicals
On Voice of America.
Finding Pollutants In Tree Bark
In Chemical & Engineering News.